Tuesday 30 April 2013

mayday mayday!

Among a pile of messy stress and frustration, there's always moments of happiness. It just depends on which perspective to have. It has been a terribly busy week, with assignments and quizzes and upcoming exams. It feels like I'm carrying a full plate and it might just tip anytime. But I know what I'm facing now is just teeny tiny beans.. I mean if the world exploded now, I wouldn't go "oh, I still have not completed my sleep deprivation assignment!" Life is funny like that, people think what they have to do is really important, but in reality its really not all that. While anyway, unless the world do explodes, I still have to finish up my assignments. haha

That aside, I said that there's moments of happiness. Its nothing big really, not like I got a free trip to travel round the world or anything. haha. But my moments of happiness is when I can be completely comfortable with another person. No stress, no constant pondering of how to act, not being afraid of being judged and just being who I am. I think that's a happy thing. I can stare and laugh and be quiet and be zoned out and be annoying and be cold and just get accepted for it, there's no pressure to conform and close myself up. yep! its a pretty awesome feeling.


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