Monday 8 July 2013

it is july

I'll admit it, I had been feeling plain emptiness for the previous two weeks or so. It was as if there was no point in life, like the skies were always grey and it seemed like the sun never wanted to shine its light. But this week, I just feel calm and at peace with myself. Maybe its thanks to the much needed meet up with my gems ;) I'm always always thankful that you guys are there in my life. Though our pathways are no longer in line with each other, it still gives me the warm fuzzy feeling of happiness and familiarity whenever we meet. and I'm always thankful to God for this :)

So there is still 5 more days before flying off to Melbourne. Seriously, I don't know what to expect from this. hahah. Usually, I'll have a plan in mind: like firstly what I am going to do, what I want to achieve, who I want to be. But currently, my mind is like a clean slate, I have nothing in mind, an empty to-do list. For once, I think this is good. I'll just take things as they come, I don't want to have to worry about every single thing any more. It's exhausting. So this is how it feels like, just placing everything in God's hands and trusting Him that He'll do what's best for me. I wonder..if I'll change within these 6 months. haha!

There's so many things I'll miss from home. Its crazy, but the thing I'll miss the most is probably my carefully structured routine in my everyday life. I always tell myself that I hate routines, but ironically they are what I cling on to the most. hahah. Because its familiar, because I'll know what to expect.. its like living in my own little world, where I know where all the traps are and how to avoid them, where my secrets lay hidden in a secret safe, where I am always save.

But its time to get out there, I'm excited to experience something new.

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